Peter Lubbers, Program Manager, Google Chrome
Peter Lubbers, Program Manager, Google Chrome
Pay attention, win prizes!
ApplicationCache Basics
CACHE MANIFEST # version 2011-07-012 06:06:44 CACHE: # html files cache.html index.html # css files css/style.css # image files apple-touch-icon.png favicon.ico img/fallback.png FALLBACK: / /demo/fallback.html NETWORK: * # Although it was removed from the spec, some browsers still require server configuration (mime type for *.appcache)
<doctype html> <html class="no-js" lang="en" manifest="manifest.appcache">
ApplicationCache is a Douchebag.
// log each of the events fired by window.applicationCache window.applicationCache.onchecking = function(e) {log("Checking for updates");} window.applicationCache.onnoupdate = function(e) {log("No updates");} window.applicationCache.onupdateready = function(e) {log("Update ready");} window.applicationCache.onobsolete = function(e) {log("Obsolete");} window.applicationCache.ondownloading = function(e) {log("Downloading");} window.applicationCache.oncached = function(e) {log("Cached");} window.applicationCache.onerror = function(e) {log("Error");} //Log each file window.applicationCache.onprogress = function(e) {log("checking");} appCacheLog("Progress: downloaded file " + counter); counter++; }
//Online and Offline status detection window.addEventListener("online", function(e) { log("You are online"); }, true); window.addEventListener("offline", function(e) { log("You are offline"); }, true);
It's demo time!